Jonny Ndlovu, Community of Hope, Buschbuck Ridge
Jonny planted a church called Calvary Christian church with the vision to:
1. Preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all the nations of the world, starting from Kildare in Bushbuckridge. Matt 28:18-20.
2. Establish and lead 3 new branches in 2022 with trained and ordained pastors for ministry - they already have 2 other branches.
3. Continue to grow the skills and computer center and the creché. (Currently having challenges with the buildings due to the heavy rains over the last year.)
Their farming project is still continuing, enabling the elderly in the community to farm mealies, morogo, pumpkins, peas, watermelons and many other vegetables. They work with partners to secure seeds for their winter vegetable garden.
They have a need for a tent to use in crusades and are trusting God for provision. Outreaches are core to their ministry.
Zodwa, Jonny’s wife, started a sewing project with the aim to help young women master a new skill and work with their hands.
Follow Jonny on his facebook bladsy